Tuesday, October 31, 2017

4 Reasons You Should Be Doing Whole-Body Training

Whole-body training, aka full-body training, refers to training every muscle group in one workout, rather than training them separately.

Split-style training has been a staple of the bodybuilding community for years. With splits, you can lift more volume per individual muscle groups, but you sacrifice frequency. Whole-body training involves less volume per body part per workout, but each muscle group gets worked more frequently.

Frequency, as it turns out, is the way to go. Here are four reasons why I think you should switch to whole-body training.

1. Greater Fat Loss

Research shows whole-body training can improve fat loss over typical split-style training. In one study, individuals who performed whole-body workouts three times per week lost more body fat than those who were following a typical split-style training program.[1]

Whole-body training appears to influence fat loss through gene activation—my area of study while at Yale School of Medicine. Gene activation is...

Source: 4 Reasons You Should Be Doing Whole-Body Training

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