Friday, January 5, 2018

Evan Centopani's Big Lifts, Big Back Routine

If you follow IFBB pro Evan Centopani, you know that his workouts are not for mall walkers. Centopani's pretty clear about what constitutes a workout.

"Hard and heavy training is the single most effective tool we have for getting in shape," he says.

This back-breaking and back-making workout routine of his works in four dimensions. It builds muscle, increases endurance, improves conditioning, and, if done properly, enables you to build strength. It's not going to be easy, but if you want a back that spreads out far and wide like the Mississippi River Delta, you've come to the right place.

Evan Centopani's Big Lifts, Big Back Routine

Training Tips

Cable Row

Cable Row

Centopani gives you a broad range of reps here, but deep down he really wants you to hit the 20s. If you get aggressive about adding weight, your third set might be in the 10-rep range. If so, make it a very strong, productive 10.

Barbell Row

Start these rows with your muscles already a bit fatigued, but instead...

Source: Evan Centopani's Big Lifts, Big Back Routine

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