Monday, January 29, 2018

Never Waste Another Warm-Up! Do This Instead.

Based on what you can see at the foam rolling station and cardio deck at any major commercial gym, it's clear that people have absolutely no idea how to prepare for training in the form of a dynamic warm-up. So they do…something, and call it good.

I get it: we all aren't exercise scientists. And the "something" method works OK for plenty of people. But guess what? You don't have to be a scientist to maximize your results in record time with your warm-up. And you can—and should—set your sights higher than OK!

Stop wasting away your precious training time on unproductive warm-ups! There's a right way to optimally prepare to train that will streamline your results while helping you bulletproof your body, and there's the wrong way that will leave you bored, fatigued, or burned out before your training even starts.

Start your next important lifting day with my highly effective and efficient six-phase warm-up system. I know six phases seems like a lot, but you'll be done in...

Source: Never Waste Another Warm-Up! Do This Instead.

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