Friday, February 9, 2018

4 Back Strategies Doomed To Fail

Back is one of the more challenging muscle groups to train, in part because you really can't see the muscles you're working.

Unfortunately, many athletes think they're right on track with their back training, when in reality, they're heading straight for a bad back instead of a big one.

Does this describe you? If you are pursuing any of these four doomed strategies, the answer is yes—and you should change course immediately!

1. Ignoring Injuries

This is common for training in general but it happens the most frequently with back day. Advanced athletes grow so accustomed to feeling pain—especially in the lower back—they convince themselves to push on because they're training upper back or know how to "work around it." Iron rookies think back soreness just comes with the territory and they move forward because they don't want to appear soft.

There's a difference between being a little sore and being hurt. Back pain may be common, but a back injury is serious and should not be...

Source: 4 Back Strategies Doomed To Fail

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