Wednesday, February 14, 2018 Fit Employee Spotlight: Rob Smith

Rob Smith was raised on the south side of Atlanta, with his family's roots in Alabama and Florida, a region he refers to as "The Dirty South." After stints at Alabama State and Full Sail University, where he graduated with a film degree, Smith found himself back in Atlanta, waiting tables and kicking the tires on a life that seemed lacking in purpose. From ages 22 to 24, all of his money went to rent and food, but he had a friend who owned a fitness studio and Smith began taking her circuit-training classes for free.

With an improved mental attitude from working out—all of that dopamine and confidence—and only $600 to his name, Smith moved from Atlanta to New York City and began putting his degree as a filmmaker and editor to work. He also joined a rugby team and started taking a few hits to the body that didn't feel so good. At 6-foot-2 and 175 pounds, he was lean. He decided to get serious about bodybuilding as a way to protect himself during matches and give back some of...

Source: Fit Employee Spotlight: Rob Smith

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