Thursday, February 1, 2018

How To Make Your Diets Shorter And More Effective

If you've been into contest prep for any length of time, you know the drill: You bulk, then shred; you bulk, then shred again—and so on, year after year. In the process, it's not unusual to gain 30-40 pounds bulking. And then comes that long, nasty, carb-free cut.

Fortunately, there's another way—maybe a better way—to get the contest physique you're after. Going on a series of short-term diets during your bulking phase can give you better results, help you enjoy contest prep more, and make the whole process a lot easier on your body and mind.

Too Short for Your Body to Adapt

Most post-bulking diet protocols go on for way too long, ranging from 8-24 weeks. The problem is that your body has time to adapt and learn to function with fewer calories per day. In the starvation mode that accompanies prolonged dieting, your metabolism slows. In the process, your body burns fewer calories, defeating the whole purpose of dieting.[1]

Short-term diets, on the other hand, usually last...

Source: How To Make Your Diets Shorter And More Effective

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