Thursday, February 8, 2018

Want To Make Real Gym Progress? Deload!

If pushing it to your limits is your M.O., it might be high time for you to back off a bit and deload. By following the "I don't need no stinkin' break" approach to lifting, many lifters don't make room in their program for deloading. That's a shame because ratcheting back from your max workout can do your body a world of good.

The Lowdown on Deloading

Many lifters organize their workouts based on the principle of overloading, in which you add more and more challenges over time. These challenges can come in the form of progressively more weight, more volume, or less rest. It's an effective technique but it can torch your body if you don't occasionally slow down.

A deload is a period of time, usually about a week, when you back off the intensity of your workout after a long phase of overloading. People often do it when they reach—and can't overcome—a persistent state of fatigue.

The Lowdown on Deloading

Why Slow Down? I'm Doing Great!

Many people think that taking the time to deload will shift their...

Source: Want To Make Real Gym Progress? Deload!

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