Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Ask The Ageless Lifter: Should I Give Up Benching?

Q: I've noticed a lot of experienced older guys can't (or won't) bench press any longer due to shoulder issues, or even just fears of shoulder issues. Is the bench simply an inherently bad exercise for older lifters?

There's so much to say about this topic! First, the reverence that most guys have for the flat barbell bench press is completely undeserved. It's definitely not a mandatory exercise. Far from it!

Don't get me wrong; it's a great exercise (if done properly), but it doesn't have any magical superpowers. No exercise is essential, this one included, and there are many chest-training drills that are just as good as the bench press, and depending on your situation, they may be far better. As I said in my article "5 Key Strategies for Mature Lifters," step one of lifting from mid-life and beyond is to learn to reconcile needs with wants.

All that being said, I really don't think the bench press is inherently dangerous to the shoulders. It's just that this exercise is all...

Source: Ask The Ageless Lifter: Should I Give Up Benching?

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