Monday, April 2, 2018

Ask The Super Strong Guy: Should I Bounce My Deadlifts?

Q: I've been doing sets of 8 deadlift reps at 315 pounds using the "bounce" style. An older powerlifter told me to stop between each rep, and now I can only do 3 reps. Which style should I use to prepare for my first powerlifting meet?

Think about squats and bench presses: Both exercises start with the weight at the beginning of the range of motion, and then you lower it. During this eccentric phase, your muscles store elastic-like energy that, if you choose to use it, can make it easier for you to return the weight to the starting position.

But does "easier" necessarily mean "better"?

To gain the most from your deadlifts, you need to stop at the bottom of the lift to get rid of that built-up energy. Do that, and your upward motion comes from muscle, not momentum. The same principle is at work when you bounce the bar off the floor at the bottom of a deadlift.

To gain the most from your deadlifts, you need to stop at the bottom of the lift to get rid of that built-up energy.

Train muscle, not momentum

A recent study concluded that the bounce technique does not allow the athlete to develop...

Source: Ask The Super Strong Guy: Should I Bounce My Deadlifts?

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