Monday, July 2, 2018

Ask the Ageless Lifter: How Often Should I Strength Train?

Q: I've read articles that say you should reduce the number of workouts per week as you get older, due to reduced recovery ability. But I've also read the exact opposite. What gives?

I love this question and have addressed it with clients many, many times over the years. The answer is a bit involved, but stay with me here, because this is an important subject.

So first, before we discuss optimal training frequency for recovery purposes, let's first make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to the definition of the word "recovery." Recovery is assessed not based on how you feel, but rather, on how you perform.

According to Mike Israetel, Ph.D., a professor and coach at Renaissance Periodization, recovery is defined as "a return to expected performance." So, to put this in real-world terms, assuming you're training regularly, if you can normally crank out 10-11 pull-ups, but on today's workout, you can only manage 7, you're under-recovered—or at least the involved...

Source: Ask the Ageless Lifter: How Often Should I Strength Train?

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