Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Burn The Most Fat, Build The Most Muscle

When it comes to burning body fat, diet and cardio are definitely important, but the way you weight train can also have a huge impact on the amount of body fat you drop.

There are five main training variables you can manipulate to increase the amount of fat you burn when lifting weights. If you incorporate these variables properly, you'll have a training program that simultaneously burns fat while building lean muscle and strength.

Below, you'll find my Feel the Burn workout program, which will maximize your body's fat-torching potential. But first, here are the five "burn variables."

Burn Variable 1: Exercise Selection

Research suggests that, compared to machine exercises or single-joint isolation moves, multijoint free-weight exercises such as squats, bench press, shoulder press, and bent-over rows maximize the number of calories burned. This is likely due to the fact that multijoint exercises use more muscle groups, including assistance and stabilizer muscles such as the...

Source: Burn The Most Fat, Build The Most Muscle

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