Monday, July 9, 2018

Doing Lots Of Glute Work? Don't Neglect Your Adductors!

With glutes having become "the new biceps," it's common for personal trainers, strength coaches, athletes, and everyday exercises enthusiasts alike to go hog-wild with exercises that focus on training the hip abductors—i.e., the glutes.

Want proof? Look no further than the lateral band walk, a movement that was pretty much never seen a few years ago, but is now about as mainstream as it gets. Need more proof? The very first move in the very first warm-up you do in the All Access program True Muscle: 9 Weeks to Elite Fitness, which I helped create, is the fantastic single-leg glute bridge. And you're doing it as part of a shoulders and abs day!

To be clear, I think all this new focus on the glutes is great—and by all means, check out my article "7 Game-Changing Glute Training Tips" to learn about better glute training. However, as is often the case with new exercise obsessions, it often comes at the expense of what's happening on the other side of the joint....

Source: Doing Lots Of Glute Work? Don't Neglect Your Adductors!

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