Monday, September 17, 2018 Awards 2018: Podcast Episode of the Year

Nutrition Article of the Year | Main | Influencer of the Year

Two years into the Podcast, we're hitting our stride. Over the first 50 episodes, we've offered a robust blend of coaches and athletes, experts and up-and-comers, and plenty of "stop what you're doing and listen" stories.

New to the podcast? Start with these four episodes, which our users said were their favorites!

Winner: The Science of Physique Enhancement With Dr. Bill Campbell

The Science of Physique Enhancement With Dr. Bill Campbell

Did you even know there's a Physique Enhancement Laboratory out there? Well, there is, and Dr. Bill Campbell heads it up at the University of South Florida. In recent years, he's worked on a number of groundbreaking studies looking into the ideal protein intake for women, what makes flexible dieting or IIFYM work (or not work), and how you can essentially make protein "free calories."

More than almost any other episode we've made so far, this conversation was totally packed with both fascinating research and real-world...

Source: Awards 2018: Podcast Episode of the Year

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