Thursday, September 27, 2018

Charles Poliquin: 1961-2018

Today, the fitness world mourns the loss of Charles Poliquin. A legendary coach and a longtime contributor to and many other important publications, Charles pursued his vision of strength fearlessly, and he was the mastermind behind far more groundbreaking movement cues, programming schemes, and techniques than any single article can capture.

Just as importantly, Charles was also a global ambassador of strength and health who lectured and wrote in multiple languages and was welcomed and revered in gyms and training centers worldwide. Perhaps the best-known of the many advances Charles helped make mainstream included:

  • Rep tempo and slow negatives
  • Thick-grip training for arm size and strength
  • German volume training

Charles was also a strength coach who lived the ultimate dream: Helping the world's greatest athletes succeed on the biggest stage—like the Olympics and pro sports--while also creating protocols that helped everyday lifters around the world add a...

Source: Charles Poliquin: 1961-2018

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