Friday, October 26, 2018

Halloween Candy: Fun-Sized Treats for Full-Sized Post-Workout Gains

Halloween is almost here again, and that can only mean one thing: candy—and lots of it! For many fit-minded folks this can be a difficult time, as you attempt to summon superhuman willpower to resist the lure of the lollipop. But, alas, many a will has been broken when Halloween ends, but those piles of candy remain.

My Halloween treat for you is that instead of tossing out all that candy, you can do your body a favor by strategically giving in to your sweet tooth. I know, it sounds crazy. But don't worry, it's all in the name of results.

The Fundamentals of Fast-Digesting Carbs

When you talk candy, you're talking carbohydrates—and more specifically, simple ones. Candy carbs have a simple structure and a high glycemic index, which means they make it into your bloodstream and muscles very quickly.

Now, if you're not an active person, ingesting extra carbs just helps you get fat. If you take them during strenuous activity or serious lifting, though, those carbs end up as...

Source: Halloween Candy: Fun-Sized Treats for Full-Sized Post-Workout Gains

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