Friday, October 19, 2018

Supersets For A Massive Back With Evan Centopani

Working out is fun when you're a beginner. Before long, though, working out evolves into training, and training is not fun. In fact, done correctly, training is hard and uncomfortable and about as entertaining as getting kicked in the nuts.

Sounds like back day, right? On this day of the week, you spend a lot of time bent over, the weight is heavy, the nervous system impact is high, and it takes a good bit of time to hit everything adequately. Plus, odds are you've also got some lower back pain, you're not crazy about compound movements, and you don't have enough time for a proper back session anyway. Circuit training on back machines isn't going to cut it, so get that notion out of your head.

Like it or not, what it comes down to is that you're just going to have to make peace with compound movements and get your ass in gear.

Look to Supersets for a Big Back Day

First, let's consider the three most-effective movements for back development: deadlifts, barbell rows, and chins....

Source: Supersets For A Massive Back With Evan Centopani

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