Monday, October 30, 2017

Weight loss: Man reveals diet plan he used to strip belly fat and lose NINE stone

Sharing his pictures to Reddit, poster ‘Chinchomps’ revealed he was 23 and 5’9”.

Over the course of one year and nine months, he lost an impressive nine stone two pounds.

Explaining how he achieved his weight loss, he wrote: “Well it’s been an interesting year. After I hit 200 a month or two after my last post I was so sick of counting calories and restricting that I stopped completely for probably half a year.

“Maintained 200-210 and I was content. Then I was no longer happy and knew I could do better, so I tried and tried for a few months to get back into the swing of things. Eventually I was able to, but it sucked.

“170 was my second goal weight and I finally hit that today. I’m like 2-3 lbs from being a normal BMI.

“I can wear large shirts. Minds finally accepted my weight loss. Starting a job in a few days, life seems okay now.

“150 is my next goal, and I’ll try to knock out 10 of that by the end of the year so I can focus on maintaining for 2018...

Source: Weight loss: Man reveals diet plan he used to strip belly fat and lose NINE stone

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