Monday, November 6, 2017

Master The 4 Rules Of Back Specialization

When building a bigger back, it makes no difference what your ultimate goal is—your back should have the strength and density to both show and go. This means you have to devote some special attention to training this massive body part.

If your back looms as the weakest part of your game, you need a specialized training program to bring it up to speed. Start by following these four simple rules.

1. Attack Your Weaknesses Head On

The point of addressing a lagging body part is to convert your weaknesses into strengths, and you can't do that by working around them. If you're not good at the deadlift, then don't focus on rack pulls—work on your full deadlift! Add more volume, perform them from a deficit, or work with both sumo and conventional stances until you master this crucial lift.


Deadlifts are key to building a broader back, so if you've been working around this weak exercise, it's time to suck it up and make heavy pulls a big part of your program. The same is true for...

Source: Master The 4 Rules Of Back Specialization

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