Tuesday, November 7, 2017

This diet plan promises 5.5lb weight loss in 18 weeks AND longer life expectancy

Would you try a diet that promises weight loss, as well as a longer life expectancy and risk against diseases.

That is what certain nutritionists are calling about the latest lifestyle diet 'flexitarianism’. 

What is a flexitarian diet? 

A ‘flexitarian’ diet plan can bring weight loss and longer life to those who follow it, according to experts. 

The diet is described as a “flexitarian or semi-vegetarian diet (SVD) is one that is primarily vegetarian with the occasional inclusion of meat or fish” by nutritionist Dr. Emma Derbyshire in Flexitarian Diets and Health: A Review of the Evidence-Based Literature.

Experts claim that embracing a vegetarian or vegan diet with the occasional inclusion of animal products may be the key to healthy living, and a trim waist line.

By cutting out red meat, or eating less, dieters can avoid the high amounts of fat and salt in the meat, causing weight loss and better overall health, fans of the diet claim. 

Dr. Derbyshire claims...

Source: This diet plan promises 5.5lb weight loss in 18 weeks AND longer life expectancy

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