Friday, December 15, 2017

The DIY Yogurt Recipe You Didn't Know You Needed

2017 was all about the gut—and not just shedding extra belly flab. Everybody was talking about the health of the billions of connected neurons in your digestive tract that help with everything from inflammation to colds. And when you're talking about the gut and your diet, the conversation always starts with yogurt.

Yogurt has made a name for itself in the fitness community as an excellent source of protein for repairing and building muscle after a workout. It also contains live cultures called probiotics, the microscopic "good" bacteria that keep your gut in working order.

Yogurt has the added benefit of being customizable in both flavor and texture. The easiest way to tap into its versatility? Make your own. All you need to get started are half a gallon (8 cups) of whole milk, half a cup of plain yogurt with live cultures (be sure to check the label), a slow cooker, a couple of beach towels, and a lazy afternoon.

DIY Yogurt Recipe

Once you perfect your yogurt recipe, you won't need to buy...

Source: The DIY Yogurt Recipe You Didn't Know You Needed

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