Friday, December 29, 2017

What Does Protein Actually Do In Your Body?

From the time we first start hoisting weights and chasing gains, we're told to think about proteins and their amino acids as "building blocks" for muscle growth. It brings to mind an image of an unfinished building, climbing higher and getting more solid with each scoop. But that's just an image. What actually happens when you toss back a scoop of protein post-workout?

The "building block" metaphor only tells us part of the story. In fact, one of the fundamental roles of amino acids is to provide important biological and biochemical signals for growth and recovery, especially after heavy exercise or sports performance.

Here's what you need to know about the role protein plays in your quest for maximum muscle growth—and maximum recovery between your intense workouts!


Tilt the Anabolic Scales in Your Favor

Over the course of a day, your body fluctuates between two processes: muscle protein synthesis or "anabolism," and muscle breakdown or "catabolism." Both are necessary and...

Source: What Does Protein Actually Do In Your Body?

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