Friday, January 5, 2018

3 Ways To Rule A Crowded Gym

The post-holiday season can be a frustrating time for serious lifters as once roomy gyms are suddenly swamped with "resolutioners" committed to spending at least the first week of the new year transforming their physiques.

Instead of waiting in line for a dozen machines, barbells, and dumbbells, follow these training guidelines so you can use fewer pieces of equipment, but use them more intensely.

These methods are not some half-assed, uncommitted, save-time workouts. They're hardcore, designed for people who want to gain size, strength, and testicular fortitude—regardless of gender.

Training Method 1: Rest-Pause Drop

This first method has you doing lots of fast mini-sets. Start with a thorough warm-up, then get to your first exercise and choose a weight you can lift for 6-10 reps before hitting failure. Take your first set to failure, then rest 20 seconds. Do your second set to failure, and rest another 20 seconds.

Do one more set to failure, then immediately reduce the...

Source: 3 Ways To Rule A Crowded Gym

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