Tuesday, January 9, 2018

4 Most Common Signs Of Compensation During A Back Squat

In a perfect world, we would all lift with perfect form, rep after rep, set after set. In the real world, we all find little ways to get the weight from point A to point B—a little momentum here, a little body English there.

These are just our conscious adjustments. What about the adjustments that we make unconsciously? The unconscious modifications we make are called compensation patterns. As opposed to cheats, compensation patterns come into play when one muscle, joint, or area of your body isn't able to do its fair share of moving a heavy object. These patterns can be subtle, but the more you increase your poundage or lifting speed, the more noticeable and potentially harmful they become.

Generally speaking, movements that don't allow for compensation patterns are safer than those that do. If you spend too much time lifting in ways that trigger these patterns, the patterns themselves become the new norm. When that happens, they begin carrying over to daily activities and...

Source: 4 Most Common Signs Of Compensation During A Back Squat

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