Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The 4 Best Eating Habits To Start This Year

It's the time of year when millions of people start laying plans to make the coming year a little healthier, to change their habits so they have a little more muscle and a little less fat. For those so inclined, there's no shortage of talking heads ready to have you gulping down charcoal-laced smoothies and spiralizing every zucchini in sight—all guaranteed to whip your physique into shape.

These trends all have their strong points, but you're better off focusing on sustainable and research-backed eating practices. Kick-start a year of awesome eating with these easy-to-implement strategies—no vanilla bone broth cleanses required—and set yourself up for long-lasting success!

1. Reel in Your Protein

The Chinese zodiac may proclaim 2018 the Year of the Dog, but for the sake of your health and fitness gains, I suggest you instead think of it as the "Year of the Fish." On average, Americans eat only about half the amount of fish the American Heart Association recommends, and...

Source: The 4 Best Eating Habits To Start This Year

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