Thursday, January 4, 2018

Weight loss: Add cumin to your diet plan to shed the pounds and burn fat, science reveals

Weight loss is something many Britons want to achieve, but it can be tricky to know how to do it.

However, adding one spice to your diet can help you shed the pounds, scientists have revealed.

One study called ‘Effect of cumin powder on body composition and lipid profile in overweight and obese women’ found that the spice, often added to curries, helped overweight women lost weight.

Women’s body measurements were lower and the women were lighter and had a lower BMI after eating three grams of cumin twice a day for three months, the study found.

Eighty-eight overweight women were split into two groups. One group had three grams of cumin powder with yoghurt at two meals a day for three months.

The other group ate yoghurt without the spice added.

Scientists found “weight, BMI, waist circumference, fat mass and its percentage significantly reduced” by the cumin.

They added that the cumin powder decreased levels of cholesterol.

The cumin group lost an amazing 14.64 per...

Source: Weight loss: Add cumin to your diet plan to shed the pounds and burn fat, science reveals

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