Thursday, February 15, 2018

4 Secret Weapons For A Killer Deadlift

Are deadlifts the single best exercise to build both the lower and upper body? Can you gain more strength and size doing them than any other exercise? The jury is out—and will probably stay out on that question. But there is no question that if you're serious about size, deadlifts need to be a regular part of your program. The real question is: What's the best way to do a deadlift?

To try to get a fix on this question, I assembled a group of five experts in the fields of strength and conditioning and sports medicine. We agreed up front that every human body has its own unique angles, geometry, and movement patterns, but these "secret weapons" should still apply to nearly all lifters.

Secret Weapon 1: Maintain a Stiff Torso and Engage Your Hips

Contraction of a muscle will always make a joint stiffer. A stiffer joint—in this case, the spine—is less flexible, but also less prone to disc injuries and capable of generating more force. Think about jumping. Your ankle must be...

Source: 4 Secret Weapons For A Killer Deadlift

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