Thursday, February 15, 2018

Never Be Bored Again: 5 Creative Brussels Sprouts Recipes

Brussels sprouts are not only delicious, they're also an incredibly healthy food. They support healthy cholesterol and blood-glucose levels. They're also loaded with vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, manganese, B vitamins, choline, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium, as well as calcium and zinc. And a one cup serving only amounts to a stingy 56 calories.

This noble vegetable has been delighting palettes since ancient Rome. Make any one of the following recipes and start looking forward to your next serving of this crowned prince of vegetables.

1. Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Mushrooms

Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Mushrooms

This fantastic side dish is quick and easy to prepare. Mushrooms are surprisingly high in overall dietary protein, with more than 7 grams of protein per dozen, making this is a good option for those who struggle to get enough dietary protein.

View Recipe Here

2. Brussels Sprout Soup

Brussels Sprout Soup

Who knew you could make soup from Brussels sprouts? This tomato-based recipe is tasty—and keeps in the...

Source: Never Be Bored Again: 5 Creative Brussels Sprouts Recipes

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