Monday, February 5, 2018

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bars

Have you ever whipped up a batch of protein cookies, tasted the batter, and ended up eating the whole lot? I have! In fact, that's what inspired me to create this recipe and once and for all cut out the middleman—the middleman being my preheated-but-unused oven! These bars are just like eating cookie dough, only they're more portable and easier to scoff down than those sticky, messy grocery-store logs. You can make these cookie dough protein bars in advance, wrap them up in tin foil, unwrap them when you need them, and kapow! You've got an easy-to-enjoy treat for at work, school, home, or the gym.

Making these bad boys is very easy, and the recipe is open to a lot of fun variations. Tweak the batter depending on your mood and create your desired flavor profile. Whether you're using chopped pecans, coconut flakes, or different types of chocolate chips, the combinations are endless.

Click Here For The Recipe

Source: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bars

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