Friday, February 2, 2018

Set This Weekend On FYR With Hannah Eden!

Hannah Eden is quickly becoming a legend in the strength and fitness community, and not just because of her hair color (although it doesn't hurt). She's also a perfect blend of superhuman workhorse, talented teacher, and inspirational force of nature.

Need convincing? Check out FYR: Hannah Eden's 30-Day Fitness Plan, the new program Eden released on All-Access along with RSP Nutrition. The buzz has been building about this follow-along video-based program for weeks, and it's shaping up to be one of the most popular plans we've released in a long time.

If you're curious—and you should be—try the first workout in its entirety right now!

FYR stands for "Find your reason," Hannah's motto and mantra. But while FYR is definitely going to challenge you, it's not about senseless punishment. It's about giving your body and mind the perfect dose of intensity, over and over, until you emerge 30 days later stronger and more inspired than ever. It's about finding your...

Source: Set This Weekend On FYR With Hannah Eden!

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