Friday, July 27, 2018

Power Up Your Mind-Muscle Connection For Greater Gains

Certain trainers with physiques that bring to mind Pee-wee Herman like to pontificate about how developing the "mind-muscle connection" makes about as much sense as joining the Flat Earth Society. As long as you use proper technique when exercising, they pronounce, you'll benefit no matter where your head is at.

But the mind-muscle connection is not some kind of bro science, it is fully supported by real science, and if you think otherwise, you're leaving gains on the table.

Consciously Connect to Your Muscles

The mind-muscle connection refers to the intentional contraction of a target muscle as you exercise. It's the difference between simply moving a weight from point A to point B, versus doing so by consciously activating the specific muscle you are targeting.

Mind-Muscle Connection

The ability to focus your mind on a specific muscle comes down to the process of developing, over time, neuromuscular control and proprioception—the mind-muscle connection. This is easier done when you're doing...

Source: Power Up Your Mind-Muscle Connection For Greater Gains

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