Friday, October 12, 2018

Ask The Super Strong Guy: Is Leg Drive Important For A Good Bench Press?

Q: I'm a powerlifter who wants to know if using leg drive will help me bench press more weight. Some powerlifters dismiss it; others think it's the Holy Grail. What gives?

If leg drive isn't the Holy Grail, it's sitting right next to it on the kitchen counter. Here are the three most important things to know about using leg drive to increase your bench press:

  • Pay attention to your foot position
  • Harness every ounce of leg power
  • Follow the "J" curve

Leg drive is whispered about in strength circles like it's some secret cure-all potion only the elite should have access to. Heaven forbid word should leak out to average folks struggling away in the gym! Sometimes the fitness industry has no shame.

Not that the value of the leg drive to a solid bench press is settled. One camp claims leg drive will turn bench press poodles into pit bulls, while another claims it's as useless as a pot of decaf.

I tend to fall into the former camp. First of all, keep in mind that the bench press is a...

Source: Ask The Super Strong Guy: Is Leg Drive Important For A Good Bench Press?

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