Friday, December 29, 2017

Weight loss: The ONE mistake everyone who wants to lose weight makes - and how to stop it

New year, new you? Undoubtably, a large per cent of the nation will be assessing their waistline after an over-indulgent Christmas. 

Whether the motivation for weight loss is to lose that beer belly or to tone up arms, there’s one mistake nearly everyone makes. 

Keith McNiven, owner of Right Path Fitness, revealed that mistake is simply focusing on the number on the scales. 

He explained: “When it comes to losing weight we traditionally measure success by the number on the scale. 

“We want to lose a physical amount of weight and we want to step on the scale and see a smaller number. 

“Measuring the amount of pounds we’ve lost is how we attribute success to our workout routine.

"Whilst of course, if you’re doing things properly you will lose weight, it can be detrimental to focus solely on the scales, because there are so many other contributing factors that can show you that what you’re doing is working.”

Keith - who is a national wrestling champion - gave...

Source: Weight loss: The ONE mistake everyone who wants to lose weight makes - and how to stop it

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